About Us

We provide funeral covers for Zimbabweans living in South Africa. Our funeral covers have repatriation of the deceased to Zimbabwe as a key benefit.

The covers also provide an opportunity to cover relatives and friends back home in Zimbabwe. For this to happen all one needs is a valid passport.

Ruvimbo - Ithemba
Unit 203, 1st Floor, Closemore
Building 11 Monument Road,
Kempton Park, JHB South Africa
Land:+ 27 11 970 1918 | +27 11 970 1313
Cell & 24 Hr Whatsapp:
+27 81 751 4412
+27 73 386 1571
Fax:+27 11 970 131

About us

Ruvimbo-Ithemba, is an authourised Financial Services Provider (FSP 48914 underwritten by Liberty (FSP 2409)

Main Office
Unit 203, 1st Floor, Closemore Building
11 Monument Road, Kempton Park, JHB South Africa
Land:+ 27 11 970 1918 | +27 11 970 1313
Cell & 24 Hr Whatsapp:
+27 81 751 4412
+27 73 386 1571
Fax:+27 11 970 131

Working Hours

Our support team available to help you 24/7 a day

  1. Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
  2. Saturday: closed
  3. Sunday: Closed
  4. Help Desk: Open 24/7