Extended Family

Cover for all your relatives

If you want to take funeral cover for yourself and all your relatives this plan is for you.

How it works

1. Choose the number of people you want to cover.
2. Find the age of the oldest member among the group. Choose the package that accommodates all members and corresponds with the oldest member’s age.

About us

Ruvimbo-Ithemba, is an authourised Financial Services Provider (FSP 48914 underwritten by Liberty (FSP 2409)

Main Office
Unit 203, 1st Floor, Closemore Building
11 Monument Road, Kempton Park, JHB South Africa
Land:+ 27 11 970 1918 | +27 11 970 1313
Cell & 24 Hr Whatsapp:
+27 81 751 4412
+27 73 386 1571
Fax:+27 11 970 131

Working Hours

Our support team available to help you 24/7 a day

  1. Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
  2. Saturday: closed
  3. Sunday: Closed
  4. Help Desk: Open 24/7
<p>Ruvimbo-Ithemba, is an authourised Financial Services Provider (FSP 48914 underwritten by Liberty (FSP 2409) </p>